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Lamborghini Ad Parody Is The Darkest Thing You’ll Watch All Day

No, Lamborghini does not make ads. All of our collective open-mouth gawk and social media car-spotting posts, whenever one passes by or sits still, have a much more potent effect than any 30-60 second ad will ever do. So before you ask whether this is real or not, it’s totally fake. But the production quality, the storyline, and the conclusion, properly captures the desire, the feel, and the attitude of owning and driving a Lamborghini. Yes, this WILL be the darkest thing you’ll watch all day. And there’s no way in hell will something like this ever be approved by Lamborghini themselves, or be broadcast on television for the fear of backlash and controversy.

The ad begins with a man who was shellshocked to find that his nine year old son only has two weeks to live. Clutching onto his (presumably his son’s) Lamborghini Gallardo die-cast car, he tries to find solace by sharing his story with a man who eventually informed him of “The Wise Man.” The mysterious Wise Man seems to have been gifted with the ability to grant wishes, making him the only man who could save the helpless man’s son. The rest of the “advertisement” unfolds like an impending train wreck: You have a feeling you know where it’s going, and you can’t look away.

(Source: YouTube)


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