Here’s the exact reason why you shouldn’t argue while driving.
According to reports, this accident comes to us from Mexico where a man and his girlfriend were driving down a highway where there were motorcycles racing and the man decided it was a good (read: terrible) idea to show off and follow them. Apparently the woman became enraged by this action and decided it was a good (read: worse) idea to pull the handbrake to teach her boyfriend a lesson.
Yea that’s not going to work out well.

That story line is a bit murky as it’s only a rumor and all we’re going by is what’s on the video, but here’s the text directly from the YouTube video:
Car crashes after a ‘woman pulls the hand break on a car her boyfriend while racing down a Mexican highway’ in dramatic video
A video posted to Live Leaks show the dramatic moment a car flips
While racing with two bikers down a Mexican highway the wheels stop
It is believed a passenger in the car pulled the hand break while speeding
The car then flips out of control into a guard rail and back on the highway
It is unclear in the video if the car’s passengers were injured in the crash
Upon further research, Jalopnik found out a bit more:
A few Mexican websites, including Diario De Morelos, say the man in the car—who sped up to race the motorcyclists— sustained only minor injuries.
The man who originally uploaded the video to Facebook also uploaded this picture of the aftermath.

You can see the car’s roof caved on both sides and all glass smashed to bits. These motorists are lucky to be alive and it teaches us all a valuable lesson. Don’t drive angry.
(Sources: YouTube and Jalopnik)
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