Someone please give this guy a lot of views so he can make a lot more of these parodies. The “Real People. Not Actors” advertising campaign, run by General Motors, is by far the WORST commercials ever broadcast in the history of automotive advertising. If you find a worse one, please let us know so we can avoid it.
The Zebra Corner YouTube channel features “Mahk”, presumably the Boston spelling of the normal name, and he’s been editing himself into a bunch of terrible commercials. Recently he edited himself into the “Real People” Emoji commercial, where a group of ultra lame millennials expressed how they felt about the Chevrolet Cruze in Emojis. Now he found his way into the original commercial that kicked off this ridiculous ad campaign.
The original ad spot had several “Real People” gathering around a white debadged Malibu to get their honest opinion about the new car. The comments generated from these brain-dead subjects were so unbelievable and unreal that it destroyed the genuine feel that the ad was going for. I mean, who in their right mind believes the car in front of them would sell for $80,000?! We’re so glad someone is tearing these commercials apart, and we can’t wait for the next one.
And here’s the real monstrosity
(Source: YouTube)
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